Youth Services Commission & Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition
Download 2024-2026 Youth Services Commission RFP/Application Notice
Headed by the Inter Agency Council of Human Services located at 98 Market Street; Salem, NJ 08079
To learn more and contact the IAC, visit:
Cristina Chillem – Executive Director
856-935-7510 ext 8314
Carla Moore – Program Coordinator
856-935-7510 ext 8317
Resolution 86-130 (N.J.S.A. 2A:4A-91) requires the Board of County Commissioners to establish the Citizens Advisory Committee for assistance in submitting a comprehensive plan for Youth Services to the Commissioner of the Department of Human Services.
2024 Meeting Dates
General Membership Meetings
The first Wednesday of every ODD Month 2pm-3pm.
Anticipate 1.5 hours for in-person meetings.
In person meetings held at PSEG Environmental Center at 244 Chestnut St. Salem NJ 08079
There will be no hybrid option for in-person meetings
- January 3 – in person, re-organization meeting, providers excused, voting members only
- March 6
- May 1- in-person
- July 3
- September 4
- November 6- in-person
Quality Assurance Committee Meetings
Voting Membership only
The fourth Wednesday of months during monitoring season, 3pm-4pm virtually
All Voting Members are responsible for serving as a monitor for at least one audit during the months of May-June.
- March 27 – Schedule monitors and audit dates
- April 24 – monitors training
- May 22 + audit dates –monitor all school based programs (6 programs)
- June 26 + audit dates – monitor all other programs (3 programs)
- July 24 – finalize scores and letters
- August- No meeting, summer recess
- September 25 – review monitoring trends/patterns and make recommendations for next year
Planning/Allocations Committee Meetings
Voting Membership only
The fourth Wednesday of every month from 2pm-3pm, virtually
- January 24
- February 28
- March 27
- April 24
- May 22
- June 26
- July 24
- August- no meeting, summer recess
- September 25
- October 23
- November 27
- December- no meeting, Christmas holiday
“To Be Determined” Meetings
Open to General Members
- Community Engagement and Awareness Committee
- Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) Committee
- Race, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
- County Council for Juvenile Justice System Improvement (CJJSI)/JDAI Council Committee
- BRIDGE/PET Committee