
County Engineer: James McKelvie, PE, CME
Engineering Supervisor: Jonathan Sever

110 Fifth Street, Suite 600, Salem, NJ 08079
Phone: 856-935-7510 ext. 8549
Fax: 856-935-7915

County Engineer has the following principal responsibilities:

  • Direction of capital projects involving county roads, bridges, traffic control, and drainage. Provide in-house design or oversee consultants. Complete control of projects from conception, budgeting, permitting, design, construction, inspection, and related survey work.
  • Bridge inspection and dam inspection for County owned facilities.
  • Review of engineering of developers’ plans submitted to the County Planning Board, relating to drainage affecting County roads and traffic safety.
  • Investigation of all traffic problems on County roads including speed limits, traffic control devices, pavement markings, signs, etc.
  • Investigation of drainage problems and recommendation as to solution for County owned facilities.
  • Coordination with New Jersey Department of Transportation and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for County projects.
  • Installation, operation and maintenance of traffic signals on County roads.
  • Provide land surveying services to the County.

Road work ahead

Roadway Project Status

Local road safety plan

LRSP Plan Website

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan:

Application for Motorist Solicitation a.k.a. Coin Drop Permit

Application for Roadway Opening a.k.a Driveway Permit

Utility work ahead

Application for Highway Opening a.k.a Road / Utility  Excavation & Construction Permit