Adopted Resolutions (Current Year)

Please note the documents contained on this page are PDFs and most are not readable by Screen Readers as they have been scanned in, for example, to display legal signatures. Any resident using a Screen Reader may contact the office to inquire about receiving readable, non-scanned copies.

View Resolutions for:  2024  ♦  2023  ♦  2022  ♦  2021  ♦  2020  ♦  2019  ♦  2018


Note on Searching Resolutions:
You can search the Resolution Titles by hitting “Ctrl+F” on your keyboard and putting in your search term. Hit enter and the terms will be highlighted. NOTE: the search box will display in different areas depending upon which browser you use. It will normally either the top or  bottom.

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Main County Offices:
110 Fifth Street
Salem, NJ 08079
856.935.7510 (Main)

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